I wrote an article in this forthcoming 2016 ‘Harvest of Great Mercy’ brochure. I talked about volunteer work in the house of the Lord, its benefits and [...]
God’s mercy can’t be comprehensible; His mercies are inexhaustible. His mercies still baffles the very existence of man. God spoke through His son, our [...]
It was all smiles on the faces of the congregation as they saw the children in the church file out to the altar looking so gorgeously dressed in their [...]
The heavenly hosts, angels and the celestials’ bodies all connived with God Almighty to let open the flood gates of heaven unabated unto the earth on the [...]
Many of us today in these modern times always want more than we can chew. There is absolutely nothing wrong in aspiring to acquire the good things of life, [...]
Harvest of Great Mercy! God’s mercies Endureth forever!
As we move into the 19th week of pledge redemption, still in the spirit of harvest, in order to [...]
The 7.00 am mass started on a good note with the church packed full all thanks to the clement weather. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits to witness Christ [...]
The day had finally come. The much anticipated 2016 Harvest of Great Mercy Covenant Sunday was upon us. The parishioners defiled all odds by attending the [...]