harvest of great mercy

Lord Make Me a Channel of Grace in This Harvest – Fr. Wisdom

I wrote an article in this forthcoming 2016 ‘Harvest of Great Mercy’ brochure. I talked about volunteer work in the house of the Lord, its benefits and [...]

Harvest of God’s Mercy

God’s mercy can’t be comprehensible; His mercies are inexhaustible. His mercies still baffles the very existence of man. God spoke through His son, our [...]

Your Responsibility as a Christian in This Harvest of Great Mercy

  All have been called to take up responsibilities in the church, just as one been ‘called to the bar’, in the legal world. There are no [...]

Harvest of Great Mercy State Thanksgiving 2016 Kicks Off

It was all smiles on the faces of the congregation as they saw the children in the church file out to the altar looking so gorgeously dressed in their [...]

St Augustine Feast Day 2016 – A Day To Remember

The heavenly hosts, angels and the celestials’ bodies all connived with God Almighty to let open the flood gates of heaven unabated unto the earth on the [...]

Be Content With Your Harvest – Rev. Fr. Wisdom

Many of us today in these modern times always want more than we can chew. There is absolutely nothing wrong in aspiring to acquire the good things of life, [...]

P.U.S.H, For A Great Harvest – Rev. Fr. Bertrand Ujunwa

By Obijiaku Obinna K. Last Sunday’s homily was so pleasant, engaging and somewhat magical because almost all throughout the 45 minutes the talk [...]

Harvest of Great Mercy Petition Slips Distributed Today

Harvest of Great Mercy! God’s mercies Endureth forever! As we move into the 19th week of pledge redemption, still in the spirit of harvest, in order to [...]

Our Harvest Chairman Goes For His Family Harvest Thanksgiving

The 7.00 am mass started on a good note with the church packed full all thanks to the clement weather. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits to witness Christ [...]

Covenant Sunday: A Day To Remember

The day had finally come. The much anticipated 2016 Harvest of Great Mercy Covenant Sunday was upon us. The parishioners defiled all odds by attending the [...]