God’s mercy can’t be comprehensible; His mercies are inexhaustible. His mercies still baffles the very existence of man. God spoke through His son, our Lord Jesus Christ when Peter approached Him with a rather interesting question in [Matt 18:21 – 22].
Peter asked “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me?”
Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven times…”
So if man is allowed to show mercy these amount of times to his neighbor, how much more times would the creator of the entire universe show us His mercies?
Rev. F. Wisdom Chikezie in his homily on Sunday, 2nd October centered on God’s mercy and the reasons why Pope Francis declared this year the ‘Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy’.
The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (Latin: Iubilaeum Extraordinarium Misericordiae) is a Roman Catholic period of prayer held from the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), 2015, to the Feast of Christ the King (November 20), 2016.
Pope Francis addressed the question of, ‘Why the Jubilee of Mercy now?’
“Here, then, is the reason for the Jubilee: because this is the time for mercy. It is the favorable time to heal wounds, a time not to be weary of meeting all those who are waiting to see and to touch with their hands the signs of the closeness of God, a time to offer everyone, everyone, the way of forgiveness and reconciliation. May the Mother of God open our eyes, so that we may comprehend the task to which we have been called; and may she obtain for us the grace to experience this Jubilee of Mercy as faithful and fruitful witnesses of Christ,” he said.
All Lay faithful are advised to do the following in this period of mercy:-
- Ensure to pass through the Holy Door.
- Go for sacramental reconciliation – confession.
- Attend Holy Mass regularly and receive the Holy Communion with Mercy on their minds.
- Profession of faith, praying for the pope, the religious and the whole world.
Today more families participated in the weekly Harvest of Great Mercy ‘Family Harvest Thanksgiving’. We thank God for the mercies He has shown in the lives of parishioners as they continually troop out in their numbers to show appreciation.
The harvest is barely weeks away and the harvest committee members have swung into full action to ensure other elements of the harvest are taken care of especially the “Harvest Brochure”.
Announcements rang out during both masses for parishioners to support the production of the brochure by either booking of advert slots, or page sponsorship or other ways in which they can participate in making the magazine a special one.
We hope to hear from you!
God bless!