
The history of the Assumption – and why it’s a Holy Day of Obligation

  Today, Catholics around the world mark the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, commemorating the end of her earthly life and assumption into Heaven. [...]

Pope reflects on Transfiguration, summer vacation at Angelus

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis focused his Angelus reflection on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is celebrated each year on 6 August. [...]

Why Do Catholics Worship Mary?

by Laura Kazlas First of all, Catholics do not worship Mary.  We honor her because she is the mother of Jesus.  God himself honored Mary, by finding her [...]

Vocation Sunday: Listen to the Voice of the Shepherd

  In the Catholic Church the fourth Sunday after Easter, which is the Good Shepherd Sunday coincides with Vocation Sunday.   This is a [...]

Divine Mercy Sunday

  The Catholic Church celebrated yesterday the Divine Mercy Sunday which is also the Second Sunday after Easter. It is based on the Catholic [...]

Palm Sunday: Blessed is He Who Comes

  The triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey was our celebration on the 9th of April. Palm Sunday, a Sunday before Easter signifies [...]

Fifth Sunday of Lent: It Would End In God’s Praise

  Lent is traditionally described as lasting for forty days, in commemoration of the forty days Jesus spent in the desert before beginning his [...]

Fourth Sunday of Lent: The Joy That Comes From the Light

  Lent is a season of the Christian year when Christians focus on simple living, prayer and fasting in order to grow closer to God. The resultant [...]

First Sunday in Lent: Overcoming Temptation

  Lent is a solemn religious observance in the Catholic liturgical calendar that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends six weeks later, before Easter [...]

Pope Francis: To Love Your Enemies, Prayer Is A Game-Changer

The path to holiness and sainthood, Pope Francis said, requires imitating Christ by loving our enemies and praying for those who wrong us even when it is [...]