Month: August 2017

Persistence In Prayer Avails Much

roman catholic church nigeria
We need to persist in prayer with trustful confidence. Although the essential parts of the Catholic prayers are adoration and thanksgiving, the prayer of [...]

David the King: A Different Kind of Bible Study

by Peggy Pandaleon (From Word On Fire Blog) Over the last ten years, there has been a major explosion of Bible studies in parishes across the country. [...]

Mary’s Assumption and Human Dignity

by Fr. Billy Swan (From Word On Fire Blog) Of all the religions of the world, none insists on the dignity of the human person more than Christianity. With [...]

The history of the Assumption – and why it’s a Holy Day of Obligation

  Today, Catholics around the world mark the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, commemorating the end of her earthly life and assumption into Heaven. [...]

How St. Maximillian Kolbe Led People into Relationship with God

by Ricky Jones (From Word On Fire Blog) Accepting fully the shared mission as a member of the Body of Christ—that you are called just like the original [...]

For Me, Becoming Christian Meant Becoming Catholic

by Fredric Heidemann (From Word On Fire Blog) When my conversion from atheism comes up in conversation, the first question is not usually what made me [...]

Pope reflects on Transfiguration, summer vacation at Angelus

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis focused his Angelus reflection on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is celebrated each year on 6 August. [...]

The Secret to St. John Vianney’s Missionary Priesthood

by Fr. Steve Grunow (From Word On Fire Blog) Today the Church remembers the witness of St. John Vianney, the “Cure of Ars”, who is the patron saint [...]

Does Conscience Point Towards the Existence of God?

by Matt Nelson (From Word On Fire Blog) Throughout the wide world of creation God has left all sorts of signs that point right back at him. Often these [...]

The Bold Witness of St. Ignatius of Loyola

by Fr. Steve Grunow (From Word On Fire Blog) "Go forth and set the world on fire." - St. Ignatius of Loyola During the sixteenth century, it seemed to [...]