
Harvest of Great Mercy in the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Harvest season is a special time for bringing gifts to God in thanksgiving for all that He has done and would do; it is also a special period in the catholic [...]

Are you ‘bothered’ by the cry of the poor? If so, it’s a problem, Pope says

Pope Francis said Wednesday that we must listen to the cries of the poor and needy, resisting the temptation to close our hearts because we are “bothered” [...]

Pope: Disabled persons should be loved, not hidden from society

On Sunday, Pope Francis denounced the increasingly prevalent mentality which claims that sick and disabled persons cannot be happy, and should be kept out of [...]

Pope: Live your faith during Lent, perform works of mercy

Lent is a time of conversion and a time to deepen one’s faith, demonstrating and sharing it through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, Pope Francis [...]