pope francis

First Sunday in Lent: Overcoming Temptation

  Lent is a solemn religious observance in the Catholic liturgical calendar that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends six weeks later, before Easter [...]

Is Anyone Not Guilty Of Worry?

Every being on earth that has breath cannot deny the fact that at some point, ’worrying’ about ‘something’ or a ‘circumstance’ may have been [...]

Pope Francis: To Love Your Enemies, Prayer Is A Game-Changer

The path to holiness and sainthood, Pope Francis said, requires imitating Christ by loving our enemies and praying for those who wrong us even when it is [...]

You are the light of the world shining for God – Fr. Wisdom

  Let your light shine! Yes, in as much as this may sound cliché but the last thing we need right now in this tough economic clime we find [...]

Seek the Lord, All You Humble of Heart – Fr. Wisdom

  It is sheer common knowledge that there isn't any room for the weak and meek in this harsh world of ours. Just to survive in Lagos alone, you [...]

Stay Detached From the Things of This World – Fr. Wisdom

  Just as today’s gospel reading reiterates that no house divided against itself can stand, so also, no meaningful project can be embarked upon [...]

The Epiphany of the Lord

  The Catholic Church on the 8th of January celebrated the Epiphany of the Lord. In our context, Epiphany here means the appearance of Jesus in the [...]

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – My New Year Resolution

The Catholic Church marked her World Day of Peace on New Year’s Day, along with the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Both events coincide on a special day [...]

Make This Season a Special One – Fr. Wisdom

The harmattan is finally here, that which we all craved for has suddenly come but it didn't come alone; fog, dust, catarrh and cold are some of its [...]

Blessed Are They Who Hear the Word and Keep It

  Life is a continuum of wild, memorable, sorrowful, happy events; with all its twists and turns bottled up in an envelope of time. [...]