
The history of the Assumption – and why it’s a Holy Day of Obligation

  Today, Catholics around the world mark the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, commemorating the end of her earthly life and assumption into Heaven. [...]

Pope reflects on Transfiguration, summer vacation at Angelus

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis focused his Angelus reflection on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is celebrated each year on 6 August. [...]

Second Sunday in Lent: A Decision to Follow the Lord

  As revealed in the Catholic Church calendar, Sunday 12th of March 2017, the second Sunday in the season of lent, heightens the commemoration of [...]

You are the light of the world shining for God – Fr. Wisdom

  Let your light shine! Yes, in as much as this may sound cliché but the last thing we need right now in this tough economic clime we find [...]

Stay Detached From the Things of This World – Fr. Wisdom

  Just as today’s gospel reading reiterates that no house divided against itself can stand, so also, no meaningful project can be embarked upon [...]

Corpus Christi: Proclaiming Christ as Our King

The Feast of Christ the King is a Latin rite liturgical solemnity celebrating the belief in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ’s real presence in the [...]

Harvest of Great Mercy 2016 Harvest Thanksgiving Day – As It Happened

Finally, the much waited day was upon us; the 13th of November, 2016 snowballed into a great day with nature nodding in solidarity with the planned event [...]

Penitential Service: Be Merciful Just As Your Father Is Merciful

Friday 28th October saw worshipers gather in the church from all works of life just like the hundred and forty – four thousand sealed, out of every tribe [...]

Be Content With Your Harvest – Rev. Fr. Wisdom

Many of us today in these modern times always want more than we can chew. There is absolutely nothing wrong in aspiring to acquire the good things of life, [...]

P.U.S.H, For A Great Harvest – Rev. Fr. Bertrand Ujunwa

By Obijiaku Obinna K. Last Sunday’s homily was so pleasant, engaging and somewhat magical because almost all throughout the 45 minutes the talk [...]