by Ricky Jones (From Word On Fire Blog)
Accepting fully the shared mission as a member of the Body of Christ—that you are called just like the original [...]
by Fredric Heidemann (From Word On Fire Blog)
When my conversion from atheism comes up in conversation, the first question is not usually what made me [...]
by Fr. Steve Grunow (From Word On Fire Blog)
Today the Church remembers the witness of St. John Vianney, the “Cure of Ars”, who is the patron saint [...]
by Matt Nelson (From Word On Fire Blog)
Throughout the wide world of creation God has left all sorts of signs that point right back at him. Often these [...]
by Fr. Steve Grunow (From Word On Fire Blog)
"Go forth and set the world on fire." - St. Ignatius of Loyola
During the sixteenth century, it seemed to [...]
by Chris Hazell (From Word On Fire Blog)
I frequent a certain coffee shop during the week. Just about every time I’m there, I see two older men sitting in [...]
by Fr. Damian Ference (From Word On Fire Blog)
I am well aware that many Catholics disagree with the Church’s understanding of the priesthood. Many object [...]
by Ricky Jones (From Word On Fire Blog)
Every moment of every day is an opportunity for blessing. Each encounter wherever it occur is an opportunity for [...]
by Joe Heschmeyer (From the Word On Fire Blog)
Sometimes, when we talk about Christianity, we present it as a great deal. “My yoke is easy, and my [...]
by Ricky Jones (From the Word On Fire Blog)
I realized at Mass this past Sunday as I held my son in my arms, my back straining from the extra weight, that [...]