Faith Experience

How St. Maximillian Kolbe Led People into Relationship with God

by Ricky Jones (From Word On Fire Blog) Accepting fully the shared mission as a member of the Body of Christ—that you are called just like the original [...]

For Me, Becoming Christian Meant Becoming Catholic

by Fredric Heidemann (From Word On Fire Blog) When my conversion from atheism comes up in conversation, the first question is not usually what made me [...]

The Secret to St. John Vianney’s Missionary Priesthood

by Fr. Steve Grunow (From Word On Fire Blog) Today the Church remembers the witness of St. John Vianney, the “Cure of Ars”, who is the patron saint [...]

Does Conscience Point Towards the Existence of God?

by Matt Nelson (From Word On Fire Blog) Throughout the wide world of creation God has left all sorts of signs that point right back at him. Often these [...]

The Bold Witness of St. Ignatius of Loyola

by Fr. Steve Grunow (From Word On Fire Blog) "Go forth and set the world on fire." - St. Ignatius of Loyola During the sixteenth century, it seemed to [...]

Why We So Desperately Need Community

by Chris Hazell (From Word On Fire Blog) I frequent a certain coffee shop during the week. Just about every time I’m there, I see two older men sitting in [...]

The Prophetic Nature of the Male Celibate Priesthood

by Fr. Damian Ference (From Word On Fire Blog) I am well aware that many Catholics disagree with the Church’s understanding of the priesthood. Many object [...]

How Fear Prevents Us from Being a Blessing to Others

by Ricky Jones (From Word On Fire Blog) Every moment of every day is an opportunity for blessing. Each encounter wherever it occur is an opportunity for [...]

Christianity: A Bargain That Will Cost You Everything

by Joe Heschmeyer (From the Word On Fire Blog) Sometimes, when we talk about Christianity, we present it as a great deal. “My yoke is easy, and my [...]

Three Ways Parenthood Will Make You a Saint

by Ricky Jones (From the Word On Fire Blog) I realized at Mass this past Sunday as I held my son in my arms, my back straining from the extra weight, that [...]