
Palm Sunday: Blessed is He Who Comes

  The triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey was our celebration on the 9th of April. Palm Sunday, a Sunday before Easter signifies [...]

Fifth Sunday of Lent: It Would End In God’s Praise

  Lent is traditionally described as lasting for forty days, in commemoration of the forty days Jesus spent in the desert before beginning his [...]

Fourth Sunday of Lent: The Joy That Comes From the Light

  Lent is a season of the Christian year when Christians focus on simple living, prayer and fasting in order to grow closer to God. The resultant [...]

Is Anyone Not Guilty Of Worry?

Every being on earth that has breath cannot deny the fact that at some point, ’worrying’ about ‘something’ or a ‘circumstance’ may have been [...]

You are the light of the world shining for God – Fr. Wisdom

  Let your light shine! Yes, in as much as this may sound cliché but the last thing we need right now in this tough economic clime we find [...]

Seek the Lord, All You Humble of Heart – Fr. Wisdom

  It is sheer common knowledge that there isn't any room for the weak and meek in this harsh world of ours. Just to survive in Lagos alone, you [...]

Blessed Are They Who Hear the Word and Keep It

  Life is a continuum of wild, memorable, sorrowful, happy events; with all its twists and turns bottled up in an envelope of time. [...]

This Is My Time for Change – Rev. Fr. Godfrey Udeh

  Yes I am a Christian and by God’s grace I know to a large extent what is required of me in my work for the Kingdom, and as a lover of Christ, [...]

Where Are You Headed This Advent – Rev. Fr. Godfrey

  As the advent slowly rolls on by and starts to snowball into a season of celebrations, with all the beautiful bells of Christmas ringing, [...]

Harvest of Great Mercy 2016 Harvest Thanksgiving Day – As It Happened

Finally, the much waited day was upon us; the 13th of November, 2016 snowballed into a great day with nature nodding in solidarity with the planned event [...]