The triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey was our celebration on the 9th of April. Palm Sunday, a Sunday before Easter signifies the coming of the savior, the prince of peace who rode on a peaceful animal.
As one ages in the faith one begins to understand the sacrifices made in the early days by men of God and its translations in our everyday lives now.
In the real sense one would argue that Jesus being the Son of God already had what it took to die a cruel death, not we frail and weak humans.
‘The triumphant entry of Jesus on Palm Sunday signifies his willingness to sacrifice himself for the love of the world. I see it as a call of selfless service to my neighbor and the giving up of self.’
‘And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross’ [Philippians 2:8]
The lessons of this man Jesus is endless and it never seems to amaze me the way I apply the techniques taught in my daily dealings and see the end results.
Jesus always identified himself with the poor, the weak and those in need; I see it as a call to remain humble even in abundance so as not to lose touch of humanity.
‘We must identify our struggles with the passion of the Lord. We must be able to unite our sufferings with that of the Lord’ – Fr. Wisdom
Hosanna in the highest.
What do you see the reflection of the Palm Sunday as?