In the Catholic Church the fourth Sunday after Easter, which is the Good Shepherd Sunday coincides with Vocation Sunday.
This is a special day set aside to promote the call of the lay faithful to the life of vocation in the church.
Parents and guardians are especially reminded to look out for early signs in their children and wards to spot out any close affinity to the things of God.
The chaplain, Rev. Fr. Wisdom Chikezie shared his childhood experience of how he as a little child found love in serving mass and breaking bread with his brothers.
The church promotes the call to selfless service to the church, the people and the community as this is the only sound way to keep up with the war fought daily by the devil to eradicate the call to vocation.
Jesus Christ being the good shepherd showed us ways to which we can ascend to the Father.
“Beloved: If when you do right and suffer for it you take it patiently you have God’s approval. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps” [1 Peter 2:20 – 23]
God speaks to us in silence as it is only in silence that we can be effective listeners, pray effectively as we’ll always have peace of mind and also maintain a cordial relationship with God.